10 Greatest Film Trilogies of All Time

To celebrate Chris Nolan's final Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises that capped off a thrilling Batman trilogy this summer...

10. The Evil Dead Trilogy

Perhaps you wouldn't automatically think of Sam Raimi's cult horror trilogy when thinking about Hollywood's greatest sets of three, but let's face it there's no other trilogy out there like it and it is without a doubt the coolest choice you'll find on this list. The Evil Dead - in case you didn't know - is the story of one man's never ending battle with a bunch of undead nasties knows as Deadites which are summoned into our world by an ugly little book named the Necronimicon. Reading a particular passage from the said evil pages will open a portal between this world and theirs allowing them easy access to us humans and an all you can eat buffet of our souls. All three movies are written and directed by Sam Raimi (Spider-Man) and star mega chinned, life long B-lister Bruce Campbell as the movies reluctant, hot headed, cowardly hero Ash. Although the first movie tried for a sense of actual horror the remaining two movies opted for laughs over fear. In fact, Evil Dead 2 is pretty much a remake of Evil Dead and continues the story of the cabin's only survivor. By Army of Darkness Ash is transported back in time and goes toe to toe to chainsaw with the medieval dead and is treated like a God which only feeds his narcissism further, before the uneducated folks of yore see him for what he really is - an asshole. Like all assholes though, Ash is given the chance to wipe his slate clean (horrible pun) and to redeem himself in the eyes of his followers leading them into a mighty battle for the very soul of our world. Sadly the series didn't continue beyond Army of Darkness but several video game and comic books have picked up where the movies left off. A remake is also in production but fans will only ever be truly happy if Bruce Campbell returns one last time to go to war with the Evil Dead.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.