Everybody enjoys a slice of kinkiness now and then (apart from puritans and killjoys). It adds a slice of je ne sais quoi to a film and when tastefully handled, it can be quite erotic. There are a lot of pretenders to the throne when it comes to tastefully, or at least interestingly kinky, films. Sure, you could just cut the crap and watch an all out porno movie if you want a masturbation fest, but if you want candy for the brain and to explore themes of sexuality, you are better off sticking to the high class kinky films that the cinematic mainstream has produced. Lots of interesting themes are explored in this list such as the issue of power and control in relationships, the right of consenting adults to do whatever the heck they want in their private lives, the importance of the freedom of speech and endorsement of alternative lifestyles. If it gets any kinkier, I might morph into Bettie Page!
10. Preaching to the Perverted (1997)

Amen to that, brother! Originally developed by the BBC, halfway through the script, they crapped themselves when they saw what they had on their hands as they thought it would never see daylight on the telly. It was, however, eventually broadcast in 2004 on the BBC. The plot is fairly simple: A morally crusading government minister - Henry Harding MP hires a young computer geek called Peter from a Christian company called Holy Hardware - to investigate the goings on of the BDSM club House of Thwax run by Mistress Tanya Cheex. Harding is intent on putting the club out of business but he doesn't count on his employee Peter, who is supposed to be filming the goings on of the club, falling for the Mistress. Guinevere Turner is fabulous and beautiful in her role as the club dominatrix. I love the film because I abhor government law preventing consenting adults from getting up to whatever they want to do in their private lives and this film flicks two fingers at the establishment and the so called 'moral majority.' I am into the expression of all forms of sexuality and I believe the BDSM scene deserves this piece of cinematic representation as it is a past time that is much maligned and treated very unfairly by the film censors. The film is wonderfully colourful and is at heart a simple love story with some kinky cavorting along the way. There is also much mirth to be derived from it.