10 Marvel Movie Scenes That Mean More Than You Think

9. Dormammu's Exile Scene

Avengers Infinity War Thanos Gamora
Marvel Studios

Despite size and general spooky-ness, it’s easy to overlook the importance of Dormammu showing up in Doctor Strange. Not in the sense you don’t know he’s the villain – after all, it’s kind of hard to miss him – but that his role in other characters comics is a little swept under the rug, generally.

After all, Dormammu has also interacted with important characters, such as Loki and the Guardians of the Galaxy, so his continued existence in the MCU means that there’s still a lot of potential for his other comic interactions to take place on the silver screen.

Since he was exiled and not killed in Doctor Strange, there’s a good chance we will see him again, especially given he’s a significant figure in The Infinity Crusade comic, which – as the sequel to the Infinity Gauntlet comics, makes him a bigger deal than you’d initially think.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.