10 Massively Hyped 2017 Movies That Will Definitely Disappoint

9. The Great Wall

ghost in the shell scarlett johansson
Universal Pictures

Seriously, what the Hell is this film? A fantastical retelling of Chinese history...with a ponytail sporting Matt Damon. The Great Wall looks like a ridiculous B-movie that was accidentally given a huge budget. Someone, somewhere done f*cked up.

The film has already received a barrage of criticism for adding a white, American actor as the lead especially when the film is filled with talented Asian actors. Aside from that, Matt Damon looks incredibly out of place and not just because of his choice of hairdo and bizarre accent.

The stench from the cheesiness of the dialogue is nauseating, which is not helped by the usually reliable Damon adding a big ol' slice of ham to go with it making a big cheesy, hammy sandwich on white bread.

There's the potential for a historical mystery with The Great Wall but the casting of Damon along with what the trailers have shown so far, littered with over-dramatic dialogue suggest nothing more than a disappointment.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.