10 Most Disappointing Movies Of 2012

9. 3: Genesis

Though the second film might have been a rare horror sequel to live up to the original's promise, the third film, directed by Paco Plaza - who co-directed the previous two films with Jaume Balaguero - casts aside the Angela Vidal storyline in favour of something completely different. Following a couple, Clara and Kolda, on their wedding day as the mysterious virus breaks out, Plaza's first mistake is to dispense with the much-favoured found footage gimmick, which was better executed in the films than it was the majority of the entries into the genre. This means that the film doesn't have the stylistic consistency of the other films, and thus feels very much at odds with them, even misguidedly poking fun at the found footage style at one point. Most jarring, though, is the shift in tone; Genesis is, in fact, a comedy horror, in the vein of Shaun of the Dead, revelling in silliness and comical gore, completely at odds with the serious tone of the previous films. Though there are some nice, gory moments, overall it's another generic zombie film that is an insult to fans of the original films; don't present us with a cliffhanger mystery, then completely disregard that in favour of telling another story. It's immensely cynical and is basically using the good name to milk a few extra dollars out of fans. Very, very disappointing.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.