10 Movies That Improved On History By Blatantly Lying
It's a common complaint of films rooted in a specific era that they eschew historical accuracy in favour of entertainment value, and often it simply goes too far, drawing viewers out of the narrative as a result. However, some films have actually told bare-faced lies and made a far greater film as a result; it requires the filmmaker to either subvert a known event through alternate history, or to tell a little-known tale with some embellishments to make the story more interesting in a way that doesn't offend too many people. It all hinges on how much inaccuracy a viewer is prepared to withstand; if the fudged facts are intentional, and more to the point, facetious, audiences may well applaud it, and similarly, if the event is niche enough that most viewers won't know the difference, it tends to go down far easier. Whatever the reason, here are 10 movies that improved upon history through blatant subterfuge.