10 Perfect Movie Girlfriends Who Would Suck In Real Life

10. Lisa - Rear Window (1954)

url-2The Movie: Jimmy Stewart, confined to a wheelchair, uses able-bodied friends and acquaintances to conduct a murder investigation. The "Perfect" Girlfriend: Lisa makes the very top of this list, because generally speaking, she is perfect. Throughout the course of Rear Window, she waits on Jimmy Stewart hand and foot (because he's in a wheelchair - not because that's what woman should do, okay?), and asks him over and over again to marry her. She takes a keen interest in his weird obsessions and eventually evokes to do his bidding, putting her own life at risk to solve the case. She is also Grace Kelly, and that is perfect enough. Why She Would Suck In Real Life: I can't believe I'm writing this, but... she's too nice. She'd ruin you as a person in a bid to get past your '50s macho exterior. Also the girl's prone to getting a little too caught up in the occassion, which means that Lisa is likely to get herself killed trying to impress you. And is that what you want? The weight of a beautiful woman's death on your hands? On second thought, don't answer that.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.