10 Reasons Tom Holland Is Perfect For Spider-Man

Why the new web-head has Maguire and Garfield beat already.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, how long until every working actor in Hollywood has played Spider-Man? At the rate Sony get through cinematic Peter Parkers, not long at all. At least they've finally given word of who will be pulling on the webbed tights next, with the news that the wall-crawler will be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe at last followed up by who will play him. 19-year-old Brit Tom Holland will be the third Spider-Man to appear in a modern film and, hopefully, this time it will actually stick. Marvel announced that the actor will make his first appearance in Captain America: Civil War (having tested with Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr), before appearing in a solo film helmed by indie director Jon Watts. Andrew Garfield didn't even make it through the three films Tobey Maguire managed during his tenure as Peter Parker, but then, the Amazing Spider-Man films weren't particularly great anyway. Maguire, meanwhile, was somewhat miscast. So what makes Tom Holland different from the previous two Spider-Men? Quite a lot, actually. In fact, whilst he's not the wall-crawler some were hoping for, he definitely seems like the right choice for the latest Peter Parker. He has the acting chops, the blockbuster experience, and he's used to dancing around a lot in tights. Here are ten reasons Tom Holland is perfect for Spider-Man.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/