10 Reasons We'll Miss Hugh Jackman As Wolverine
Life won't be the same without Ol' Beefy Claws.

It just felt like it was the right time to do it. And lets be honest, 17 years. I never thought in a million years it would last, so Im so grateful to the fans for the opportunity of playing it. I kind of have in my head what were going to do in this last one. It just feels like this is the perfect way to go out.It's up in the air whether he'll show up in the Deadpool or X-Men: Apocalypse films, which have prior release dates and would certainly be tastier with at least a little spread of Jackman on their crackers. But even if he doesn't, Hugh will have starred in five X-Men movies (1, 2, 3, First Class as a cameo and Days of Future Past) and three Wolverine films (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine and we don't know yet, maybe Wolverine III or WolverIIIne?), a pretty impressive average of approximately one film every two years. Here are ten reasons to get a bit misty about the thought that it's all coming to an end soon.