10 Recent Movies That Grossly Overestimated What Their CGI Could Do
That mouth though...

CGI can be a wonderful filmmaking tool in the right hands: in recent years the likes of Mad Max: Fury Road, The Jungle Book, Blade Runner 2049 and Avengers: Infinity War have shown what talented directors can do with smart use of cutting-edge VFX technology.
Sadly not all movies are constructed with this level of meticulous care, though, and often a director will bite off more than they can chew with their ambitious vision for a big-budget blockbuster. After all, an idea is generally only as good as the means to execute it...
They don't necessarily tank the entire movie - though a few of them certainly do - but in many cases it's just inconceivable that movies so expensive and otherwise well-crafted can look so lacklustre in the area where the money really needed to be spent...
10. Black Panther

Black Panther may be one of the year's best blockbusters, but even with Marvel's deep, deep coffers, they apparently couldn't throw some more cash at director Ryan Coogler to fully realise the movie's final battle.
The climactic fight between T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) and Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) is an extremely garish digital battle taking place in an entirely CGI maglev train tunnel.
Worse still, the majority of the fight itself has clearly been keyframe-animated rather than rendered from performance capture, making the physics of even basic movements seem offputtingly floaty.
The fight has been derisively compared to a video game cut-scene, and considering how harshly it clashes with the movie's otherwise decent blending of digital and practical elements, rightly so.
Considering it's not a particularly ambitious sequence from a technical perspective, it's pretty astonishing how horrible it looks, in a $200 million Marvel movie no less.