10 Superhero Team-Ups We Must See In MCU Phase 4

8. Sam Wilson And War Machine

Daredevil Spider Man
Marvel Studios

To say that Endgame shook up the MCU as we know it would be to compete for understatement of the century. But chief among the biggest changes to the cinematic universe was the loss of RDJ's Tony Stark, and Chris Evans' Captain America. Luckily, both heroes' mantles have been left in good hands.

These two characters are bound to interact in a movie eventually, seeing as how they are now the new Captain America and the closest thing we're getting to an Iron Man until they decide to put Riri Williams into one of these things. And when they do, it'll be interesting to see how their relationship differs from the previous incarnations of Iron Man and Captain America. Will they be more antagonistic? Less? Will they only interact during Avengers movies like the last guys, or will they do their own thing?

We're definitely hoping it's the latter, as you can no doubt tell by its place on this list. Civil War's conflict wasn't as strong as it could've been because Cap and Tony only ever interacted in the Avengers movies...where their every conversation was an argument, making it seem like they wanted to kick each other's asses.

Having a proper crossover with these two characters all on their own will give our new Iron Man and Captain America room to breathe as characters.

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MCU Phase 4
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?