10 Superhero Team-Ups We Must See In MCU Phase 4

7. Scarlet Witch And Doctor Strange

Daredevil Spider Man
Marvel Studios

While it would be interesting to see how Iron Fist and Doctor Strange would interact, given their different approaches to their magical craft, there's another - far more interesting team up idea - just waiting to be utilized: Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange.

The interesting thing about Wanda is that her powers come from the same infinity stone that Strange uses. But whereas Strange has learned a bunch of magic spells to pick up the slack where the mind stone falls short, Wanda has learned how to expand the powers she's been given, to the point where they barely even resemble that of the mind stone. So these two would definitely have a ton to talk about.

As for villains, it would have to be something magic based to parallel our heroes. Luckily, the Dr. Strange rogues gallery is packed to the brim with such baddies, such as Nightmare, Oblivion, and Mephisto. Frankly, this is an awesome, mind bending fantasy action movie waiting to happen. And it would not be surprising if Disney was already discussing the idea at this very moment.

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MCU Phase 4
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?