10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

7. Snoke’s Complete Lack Of Backstory

Star Wars Supreme Leader Snoke

Another example of Rian Johnson wanting to make Episode VIII his own, one of the biggest casualties of this “wipe the slate clean” mentality was Snoke.

The only problem with this, is fans had spent two solid years debating and theorising over just who this guy was. The music in the background of his introduction was the same as a scene in Episode III - maybe he was Darth Plagueis the Wise? His age and assumed power puts him active around the time of any previous movie, yet we’d never even heard of him. Why was that?

What was Snoke’s backstory? How did he fund the First Order? How did he find Kylo Ren and turn him to the Dark Side?

We find none of this out in The Last Jedi because of Kylo slicing him in half, and even if Episode IX resurrects a ton of plot points, that’s still another two years away.

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