10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

6. Rey’s Parent Reveal

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey Kylo Ren

Second to Snoke’s history on the list of ongoing theories was Rey’s parents - another major talking point that - again - was teased heavily across The Force Awakens.

We see Rey being mysteriously left by a ship supposedly containing her parents. She mentions them multiple times, and JJ even shot an entire sequence where a force vision shows Rey walking the same path as Luke Skywalker on Cloud City, as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda whisper in her ear about this being “her first steps”.

Luke’s iconic theme even flares in the background when she grabs the blue saber to fight Kylo Ren. It’s safe to say, these were major teases to an eventual reveal.

Sadly all that potential is discarded when Rey’s parents are said to be nobodies - randoms who traded her for money and left her on Jakku as a slave.

While the idea of coming from nothing and making your mark on the galaxy is Star Wars through and through, once again this was two years’ worth of theorising cast aside for another unsatisfying subversion of expectation.

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