10 Things You Learn Rewatching Goldfinger

3. The Laser Scene Remains A Masterpiece Of Suspense

Goldfinger Laser

The famous laser scene has been so frequently parodied in pop-culture - perhaps most memorably by The Simpsons - that it'd be easy for the sequence to have lost its lustre over the decades.

Watching it today, however, it's still a fantastically suspenseful, expertly wrought scene, even with the firm knowledge that Bond was never going to perish from Goldfinger's red-hot laser. After all, how can you not love the iconic "I expect you to die" line?

It's only barely two minutes long, but director Guy Hamilton wrings every last drop of tension out of it, aided by Gert Frobe's sinister performance and a rare, early instance of Bond actually seeming legitimately terrified. Granted, the laser was aiming for his knackers first, so can you blame him?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.