10 Things You Learn Rewatching Goldfinger

2. Goldfinger's Scheme Is The Right Side Of Silly

Goldfinger Fort Knox

Many of the early Bond villain schemes have aged horribly in a post-Austin Powers world, but surprisingly, not Goldfinger.

Though his plan is undeniably insane - to detonate a dirty bomb inside Fort Knox, rendering the gold useless for almost 60 years and raising the value of his own supply - it just about lands on the right side of ridiculous.

After all, nobody would ever claim Goldfinger to be a sane man, so it follows that his plan includes nerve gas being distributed by Pussy Galore and her flying circus of fem-bots, and as mental as it is, it never gets too absurd for its own good.

There's a fine tonal line to walk with a third act this bonkers, but the movie basically pulls it off, and while you'll sometimes be chuckling at it rather than with it, it's more in on the joke than not for the most part.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.