10 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movie Monsters

These goofy creatures won't leave you running for the hills!

Chompy & the Girls
Freestyle Digital Media

If you walk into a horror movie expecting pretty colours and fun times, then you probably need reminding to look both ways before crossing the street. The genre's appeal comes from its ability to terrify an audience, as fear is the bread-and-butter of a good horror flick. And one such way it can get your blood pumping is with good old-fashioned monsters.

Monsters in horror are a great tool for freaking an audience out, as a good creature will remind you that there are things in this world you can't understand. The likes of Pinhead, The Pale Man, The Thing, and more have left wet pants and soiled trousers trailing out of cinemas for decades. But a scary monster isn't always a guarantee.

Sometimes, due to visual effects mishaps, bizarre choices, bad writing, or several other issues, a monster will leave you laughing your butt off rather than screaming. While plenty of horror comedies try to make you laugh on purpose, the following films are not them. All the giggles you will feel throughout these flicks are not supposed to be there, yet you just can't help but laugh.

10. The Monster - Hypothermia (2012)

Chompy & the Girls
Dark Sky Films

Hypothermia is an atmospheric survival tale where a family attempts to survive against a monstrous predator on a frozen lake. Doesn't that sound downright chilling? Sadly, that ice melts immediately following the big monster reveal, which is so goofy you'll be splitting at the sides with laughter.

This indie horror tries to go down the classic monster movie route by having an unseen beastie stalking a group before revealing itself in the climax. But all that build-up gets wrecked by the monster design, which is incredibly cheap and silly-looking. 

The fishman-style beast is clearly a man in a latex suit and not even a good one at that. It comes complete with buggy eyes, plastic white teeth, and awkward movements. If anything, it looks like a toy you might buy your kid at a car boot sale.

Making this even worse is the immense effort given by the actors, especially the top-notch Michael Rooker, to make this monster seem legitimately scary. Yeah, you're not fooling anyone, gang, but thanks for trying.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!