10 Upcoming Movie Reboots Doomed To Fail
Ah, the movie reboot, a term that's become fashionable in the last five-or-so years, as Hollywood becomes more creatively stagnant than ever. Of course, it's important to establish quite what a reboot is, as many tend to confuse it with a remake; a reboot is a new take on a franchise that has run itself into the ground (typically featuring new characters or a bold new aesthetic) whereas a remake tends to be closer in tone and style to the original film, such as the impending new take on horror classic Carrie, for instance. Though reboots do allow a little more room for invention, they're still largely cynical exercises, an attempt by Hollywood to shock a tired property back to life, and as last year's The Amazing Spider-Man has proven, too often they're made out of sheer necessity to prevent the rights reverting back to the original proprieter. These reboots are doomed to fail for a multitude of reasons - lack of necessity, a troubled production history, and just downright braindead creative ideas - and rest assured, we'll be saying "I told you so" when they inevitably do. Here are 10 upcoming movie reboots doomed to fail...