10 Wildly Underrated Action Movies Of The 90s

5. Trespass

Last Action Hero
Universal Pictures

Not so much underrated as it is completely forgotten, Trespass is a film that seems to defy all logic. It's an action adventure movie stuffed inside an urban crime drama starring Bill Paxton, William Sadler, Ice-T, and Ice Cube. Oh, and it's written by the guys who made Back to the Future.

Based strictly on that information, Trespass seems like an example of a reverse Mandela Effect, where instead of swearing up and down that Sinbad starred in a movie about a genie, you refuse to believe Ice-T and Bill Paxton could have collaborated on something in the 90s. But make no mistake, it's a thing that happened. A beautiful thing, really.

There's nothing fancy about the way Trespass does its business. Critics likened it it an overly-complex racial allegory, but the themes director Walter Hill don't bog down the action.

Most pleasantly, the movie eschews any grand sense of morality in favor of crude, hyper-tense scenes that delivers the requisite action with some fun, energetic performances from a great group of character actors.

In a decade that tended to accentuate style over substance far too often, it's nice to see such a lean and mean story waltzing a straight line from A to B.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.