10 Worst Action Movies Since 2000

It's action cinema, but not as we know it

Terrific action movies like Die Hard entertain us with white-knuckle suspense, larger-than-life villains and expensive set pieces, but they€™re about as rare as intellectuals in the political system. Once you€™ve spent a few years watching multiplex movies, you learn to be grateful every time a half-decent popcorn flick comes down the turnpike. Hell, even The Expendables 3 will do, and that movie was so routine that even Bruce Willis didn€™t want to do it. We don€™t want Great Art, just two hours of escapism that doesn€™t leave us feeling like we€™ve been had. Action cinema went off the rails when the likes of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and Seagal became mega-successful and turned their back on the glorified B movies that made them famous in order to appear in overblown junk. Instead of The Terminator, First Blood and Above The Law, we got Last Action Hero, Tango & Cash and On Deadly Ground, movies with slick technical proficiency rather than any real heart. These kind of pictures, which are more interested in box office than in giving audiences a good time, neglect an unspoken yet rudimentary rule of escapism: we are here to have fun, not watch ice melt for two hours while feeling disappointed. To follow, you will find ten of the worst offenders, pictures that aren€™t bad enough, or dramatic enough, or funny enough to qualify as entertainment on any level.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'