We're all fed up of celebrities making appearances in movies in which they absolutely do not belong, whether it's musicians, socialites, or in fact, professional wrestlers. Though one might expect that wrestlers' natural charisma and penchant for theatricality would translate only too well into the cinematic sphere, these 10 atrocious movies eagerly prove otherwise. Though one might able to concede that a few of the muscle-bound brutes in these films were undone by a poor script above all else, the general consensus is that they deliver dire performances most of the time as well, making it clear that, unless you're Rowdy Roddy Piper or The Rock, you probably shouldn't even try starring in your own movie if you're a household wrestling name. After digging through the countless movies starring wrestlers - and believe me, there's a lot of them, and a the overwhelming majority of them are bad - here are the 10 absolute worst.
10. Knucklehead
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L7QDwEoUcg There's a certain irony about the WWE-produced Knucklehead, because it's a film
about wrestling made by the world's biggest wrestling organisation, and they
still can't get it right. The WWE Films banner has never been a hallmark of anything less than straight-to-video mulch, but with this awkward, cringe-inducing comedy, things reach an all-new apex of bad, while making disgraceful use of The Big Show, who has proven above all else that he might be one of the few superstars with real crossover potential (because he's got the imposing look, but he's also funny). Show plays Walter, the titular knucklehead who is miraculously sent to the protagonist to help him settle a debt. It's a ludicrous, brain-dead premise that hasn't got an idea what the word "tone" means, at one minute shoving as many fart gags in our face as possible and then trying to be affecting and emotive the next. It doesn't work, and it's an embarrassing squandering of Show's considerable talents.