10 Worst Movies Starring Wrestlers

9. The Chaperone

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpFe1AYaYxs If there's anything we don't want The Game, Triple H, doing, it's taking some time out of the ring to act in a movie in which he plays a softie, because whether he's a face or a heel, Trips has always been a brutal force to be reckoned with, and not one we ever want to picture having a flakier, less manly side. Another film from the WWE Films cabinet, The Chaperone has HHH playing a former wheelman who decides that he's going to try and go on the straight and narrow for the sake of his daughter. Of course, there has to be a spanner in the works, and that's that Trips has already agreed to take part in a heist before deciding not to, and when the heist gets more complicated, his old buddies come looking for him. Though it has a refreshingly old-fashioned family-friendliness to it, casting Triple H in such a role is thoroughly misguided, and generally the script is just so sterile and dull that there's nothing funny, affecting, thrilling or even remotely engaging to take away from it. Terrible.
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