12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

1. Explore The Mentality Of Bruce Banner More

One of the most interesting stories in Hulk's library of comics is Peter David's Hulk: The End, which explores Hulk's life after mankind has died out. Despite him getting his wish, loneliness plays a big part in the narrative as he's forced to contemplate his existence without even Banner (who dies while Hulk survives).

It's a sombre affair, and not one that would work particularly well as it is in film form (though it's definitely the film Nicolas Winding Refn would make), but its themes do fit in well with Banner's current portrayal in the MCU. He's going to be lonely, because Banner is an emotional man (that's sort of the point), and a deeper exploration into Hulk's psyche would be a very important foundation for a solo movie.

At the very least, it could go into the Hulk/Banner conflict in more depth: how they hate and fear each other, how one's emotions feed into the others. That is precisely the Dr Jekyll And Mr Hulk movie that needs to be made. It still needs to be action-heavy and violent, but having that element front and centre is a no-brainer.

Would you be happy with any of these choices for a Hulk stand-alone movie? Share your own thoughts below in the comments thread.

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