12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

2. Have The Guardians Of The Galaxy Star In Support

Or at least some of them.

There was some suggestion that Hulk might next pop up in the Guardians Of The Galaxy sequel (even though he wasn't actually jettisoned into space as some people thought he might be in Age Of Ultron) but James Gunn has called that "complete bullsh*t". But that doesn't need to be the end of it.

With some creative writing, Marvel could have Hulk decide that he does indeed need to go off-planet to escape the collateral damage that follows every time he goes in a strop. And rather than going full Planet Hulk and introducing a brand new planet, Marvel could use the familiarity of the Guardians brand as a bankable safety net.

Given that they're a team of misfits, Hulk's affiliation with the Guardians (who wouldn't know who he was) would be more comfortable than his dynamic with the other Avengers, and having them even remotely involved in his solo project would be the right bridge to the rest of the MCU.

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Hulk MCU
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