13 Best Easter Eggs From The Star Wars Prequels

4. Creator Busts


Various places in the Star Wars galaxy are based on our own universe, but one of the most specific examples has to be the Jedi Archives in Attack Of The Clones, which is a near identical replication of the Long Room at Trinity College, Dublin. Take out the holograms and you can hardly tell the difference.

The similarities go beyond general design; both locations boast a series of busts that commemorate former students. With the university it's notable alumni, in the Archives it's the Lost Twenty, the Jedi who have turned their back on the Order and its teachings. One of the busts is obviously Count Dooku, which Obi-Wan can be seen looking at before talking to librarian Jocasta Nu, but the others aren't just random designs; according to effects supervisor Pablo Helman they're modelled on various members of the production, including fellow visual effects supervisor John Knoll and even George Lucas.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.