13 Best Easter Eggs From The Star Wars Prequels

3. The Hidden Story Of Jett Lucas


What makes a cameo from a family member of the director more than just another cute little moment for them to cringe at when they're grown up? When it's telling a story over multiple films, that's when.

The youngling who talks to Jocasta Nu after she's done with Obi-Wan in the library scene just mentioned is none other than Jett Lucas, George's adopted son. That's by the by, but Jett pops up again as the same character in Revenge Of The Sith; he's the one who attacks the clones talking to Bail Organa during Order 66.

http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/09/Droid1138.jpgCalled Zett Jukassa (he must have used the Star Wars name generator), the padawan played a bigger role in the Episode III novelisation, but being a recurring character in the films alone is enough. For pre-teen Jett this was probably a dream come true, but for Star Wars fans it provides some nice inter-movie continuity.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.