15 Australian Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die

9. Black Water

Black water croc
AV Pictures

Greg McLean’s Rogue might have had a bigger budget and slicker production, but there’s something to be said about directing duo Andrew Traucki (who would later direct shark horror The Reef) and David Nerlich’s similarly themed micro-budget horror Black Water.

Like Rogue, Black Water’s villain is a ginormous saltwater crocodile and its protagonists a group of humans whose boat trip is disrupted by the arrival of the flesh hungry croc, but that’s where the similarities end.

Black Water’s cast is smaller, for a start – a woman, her husband and her sister – which makes for a more intimate, real portrayal of what the hell you’d actually do if your family was being stalked by a killer croc. Plus it’s the more suspenseful movie of the two and boasts a better ending that’s surprisingly unpredictable.

Unfortunately, it was released around the same time as Rogue and didn’t get as much in the way of attention or box office returns as its contemporary but Black Water is definitely one of the best natural horrors to come from Down Under.

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Cargo Horror
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