20 Biggest Things The Harry Potter Movies Left Out

15. Dudley's Olive Branch

Harry Potter Howler
Warner Bros.

In The Book

Dudley's final act in the main narrative of the book is to offer Harry his thanks - or at least a very Dudley version of thanks - before following his parents (who are less nice) into hiding.

Dudley: "I don’t think you’re a waste of space."

Harry Potter: "Well… er… thanks, Dudley."

Dudley: "You saved my life."

In The Film

No such olive branch is extended, though there was originally a deleted scene that saw him repeat the "I don't think you're a waste of space".

Was It A Positive Cut?

No. The cut might have stopped us having to see Dudley's poor facial prosthetics, but it robbed Dudley's story arc of its most important message: that it's possible to defy your bloodline and seek redemption (and that even the worst of us can find good). Instead their story just sort of fizzles out, which is definitely not as good.

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