20 Post-Apocalyptic Movies You Must See Before You Die

10. A Boy And His Dog (1975)

Certainly one of the oddest movies in the post-apocalyptic film canon, A Boy and His Dog clings to a truly barmy plot that sees a young Don Johnson traversing a ruined United States of America in the company of his psychic dog, Blood. In exchange for scraps of food, Blood aids Johnson's teenager, Vic, in his ultimate goal: to get laid. If that isn't the most original premise you've ever stumbled upon for a post-apocalyptic movie, then what the heck is? A Boy and His Dog is an unashamed comedy, of course, which makes a change in a sub-genre that usually thrives on depicting humanity at its very worst. It isn't a particularly brilliant or consistent movie, all things considered, but it is one that needs to be seen to be believed - if only due to the weird conversations that take place between Vic and Blood as they relentlessly plough onwards through an uncompromising post-nuclear war setting.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.