20 Post-Apocalyptic Movies You Must See Before You Die

11. I Am Legend (2007)

Whilst it's true that I Am Legend is only three-quarters of a good movie, it still manages to depict one of the most interesting and memorable visions of post-apocalyptic life in recent years - all whilst being relatively entertaining to boot. The film, based on a vastly superior book by Richard Matheson, hones in on Dr. Robert Neville (played by Will Smith), the last surviving man on Earth who inhabits New York City on his lonesome and subsequently uses it as his playground. Most of the fun of I Am Legend stems from the scenes which humorously depict Neville living out his day to day existence in an empty metropolis alongside his loveable dog, Sam. But whilst Neville is the only surviving human on the planet, he's not alone: the rest of humanity have been transformed into vampire-like monsters, and at night they come for him. Despite its narrative compromises and a dud ending, I Am Legend is still a worthwhile ride.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.