Blockbuster season is pretty much all sewn up now, and with the end-year film festivals pretty much all set to kick off soon, what better time to consider the year's Oscar prospects? The 88th Academy Awards don't take place until February 28th next year, but as anyone who remotely follows the awards season knows, it's a helluva long road getting there, and it all begins with that initial critical and audience reception. Now, this list won't include movies which have already screened extensively at festivals (so, no Sicario, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl or Carol, for instance), because where's the fun in that? Instead, it's going to cover potentially prestigious upcoming films that have gone largely sight unseen for critics and general viewers alike, from the most anticipated movie sequel in history, to more low-key indie movies vying for Oscar gold. Many of the films will score Oscars left and right along with rapturous reviews, some will get panned and fall by the side and some, sadly, will simply go ignored by the Academy despite solid notices, simply because they're not what's "in" this year, or their campaigning wasn't aggressive enough, or the film was simply too left-field. Either way, regardless of who ends up with the most little gold statues, here are 24 predictions for this Oscar season's Rotten Tomatoes scores...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.