5 Reasons Why Captain America Won't Die In Civil War

It won't be like the comics. At all.

Hands up who's excited for Captain America: Civil War. Actually, it'd be better to ask who isn't - the hype for Marvel's next movie is second only to a new Star Wars, with the trailer racking up a stupid amount of views and everybody seemingly oblivious to all the other pretty awesome looking superhero movies coming out this year. Speculation is rampant. From over-dissection of concept art to shock at big spoilers from LEGO (who seemingly manage to ruin every movie they get a license for), fans will do anything to find out what the Russo brothers have in store for 29th April (6th May in the US). One of the biggest theories out there is that, just like in the comic book of the same name, Captain America will die. Maybe sniped by Crossbones and shot by Sharon Carter, maybe dropped kicked by Tony Stark into a helicarrier engine because that's the only way a fight between an enhanced man and a basically indestructible armoured cyborg would go. Whatever the case, fans are convinced Steve Rogers will be killed at the end of the movie, leaving space for Bucky Barnes or Falcon to step up and take on the mantle. Sigh. OK. Let me state this very plainly. Captain America is not going to die in Civil War. Why? I'm glad you asked. Here are five reasons we'll be seeing Steve Rogers around for years to come.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.