5 Ways Star Wars Prequels Are Better Than The Original Trilogy

3. Jango Fett

Jango Fett was the original Fett. As we find out through the prequel trilogy he is also much more important to the Star Wars Universe than his more popular €œson€ Boba Fett. Jango was chosen as the person to be cloned during the creation of the Clone Army. Now that is saying something right there. If you are creating an army of clones to defend/take over the universe you want to make sure you choose the right person. You want someone who possesses all the attributes and abilities you are looking for. Jango was their man. Boba Fett on the other hand, in the original trilogy, was only a shadow of the man Jango was in the new trilogy. In fact, he wasn€™t a man at all. He was a clone. Never before has a character become such a wildly popular film icon for doing less than Boba Fett in the original films. His screen time in the whole trilogy borders on the five to ten minute mark at best. When we do see him he€™s usually just standing there in the background doing basically nothing. In his only real bit of action, we see him fail to defeat a temporarily blinded Han Solo and eventually fall to his apparent death in to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Jango Fett in the new trilogy was everything all of us fans hoped Boba Fett would have been in the original trilogy. He was a cocky bounty hunter out for his own cause, never running away from a fight. We saw him fly, utilize both of his hand held guns, shoot the rocket from his Jet pack, and of course we got to see his famed ship Slave I in battle! We saw him fight and kill numerous Jedi Knights before eventually meeting his demise at the hands of Mace Windu. Falling to the #2 ranked Jedi and arguably the best fighter on the Jedi Council is no real shame. At least not compared to how Boba died; being knocked to this death accidentally by that blinded Han Solo. The advancement in technology again aided in the fact we were able to see Jango in the proper action sequences George Lucas initially envisioned the Fett€™s to take part in. That however doesn€™t take away from just how much more crucial and pivotal to the plot and development of the story Jango is compared to Boba. To get down to the brass tacks of it all, Boba Fett really is just one of the many clones of Jango. The only difference was that Boba was not given the age enhancing genetics. Boba basically won the clone lottery and was promoted from trooper to bounty hunter in training. Boba Fett was nothing compared to his €œdad€ Jango.
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