6 Ways James Bond Could Change For The Modern World
A relic of The Cold War? Well, maybe not any more...

Is James Bond an outdated product?
That's certainly a question worth asking given the change in climate of modern cinema. Movies have recently demonstrated a strong deceleration of enriching the diversity within their content and ensuring all are treated with equal respect. So is it even possible that Ian Fleming's iconic chip-on-shoulder, testosterone-driven 'ladies man' can fit within all of this?
It was never the Bond franchise's intention to offend or marginalize; Entertainment has been at its forefront and nothing more. That said, there are several traits which do not translate to this day and age. Can Bond be tough? Can he be a brawler? Can he show an adept display of quick-witted ingenuity? Yes, yes and yes. Can he get the girl, woo her with innuendos and ditch her come the next movie? Well...
In the eyes of many fans, there has always been more to Bond than this. Particularly in the case of Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig's tenure. But if the franchise expects to survive past Bond 25 and into the modern world, it needs to smooth out the rough once and for all...
6. Keep His Angry Streak (But For The Unjust Only)

The prickly interpretation of Bond, so well harnessed by Daniel Craig, was really a one-shot-deal. Making a heavy-handed appearance at every interval was a refreshing change to the formula back when Casino Royale came out. But it could potentially tank franchise if attempted again.
That's not to say that Bond should not have an aggressive side - it's more that this aggression should be reserved only for the wicked and the dastardly, who occupy the Bond universe in great abundance anyway. Bond hates bad guys? Great! That hatred should then be clear and present in any future film.
As far as the rest of humanity is concerned, it may be beneficial to write Bond in as a more patient, gentlemanly type. Does this jar against the ethos of the character? Well, in the finer moments of writing clarity, it worked well enough for Sean Connery and Roger Moore.
Showing that sincere gloss of pleasantness to fellow good guys shows a kind of strength of character which could be emphasized, and brought to the modern era, if written properly.