6 Ways James Bond Could Change For The Modern World

5. Make Him Fight For His Country's Better Values

Daniel Craig James Bond
Sony Pictures

James Bond joked about his so-called 'pathetic love of country' in Skyfall. He was also highly unapologetic. Bond hasn't always been subtle about his patriotism. And bringing this characteristic into the modern world rests on his ability to follow the values of his country intuitively and not blindly.

No singular government or empire on this planet is perfect and any fictional outlet that claims otherwise will be a hard sell to audiences. The villainy in foreign land is only equal to the villainy at home and so-forth, which immediately puts into question the ethics of any serviceman or secret agent, super-powered or otherwise.

Much like Marvel's Captain America, Bond's love of country should be a crusade to make change for the better from within and draw out his homeland’s obvious flaws. He should be the face of his country, if that country were able to uphold every standard it claims to.

Representing justice when the very concept appears futile could add great strength to Bond's character, and maintain one of his most basic personality traits within a vastly different landscape.

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James Bond
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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net