8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

5. J.J. Abrams Loves R2-D2

Trek If audiences are worried about J.J. Abrams fan boy credentials for Star Wars Episode VII after two geekily balanced Trek films, they needn't worry. Not only has Abrams explicitly stated he was a newbie to the Trekkie ways, but he's also clearly a Wars fan; each of his films has a little appearance of everyone€™s favourite astromech droid, R2 D2. Most well known is the appearance in the opening attack on the USS Kelvin in Star Trek, but little Artoo also pops up in everyone of Abrams films; on Joe€™s desk in Super 8 and so well hidden no one€™s discovered it in Mission: Impossible III and Star Trek Into Darkness. A fan of Lucas and Spielberg (who famously snuck R2 into Raiders) growing up, it€™s not surprising to see Abrams so affected by Star Wars, but it€™s certainly reassuring for the future of the series. Abrams also manages to slip in references to his brain child Cloverfield, by way of viral tie in drink Slusho. A little easier to do given the less iconic status, it€™s still fun and makes his movies some of the most densely packed with references. Of course, many people miss this trait because J.J. has another massive obsession, which we€™ll touch on next.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.