8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

4. Spielberg Loves Lamp (Light)

SPiel5 What many originally assumed was a style chosen specifically for his reboot of Star Trek turned out to be a J.J. Abrams love; both Super 8 and Into Darkness showed off the director€™s bizarre obsession with lens flare. While Abrams has been lambasted on multiple occasions for this, few have question where it came from. And it€™s really obvious. Abrams has never shied away from trumpeting Spielberg as his main filmmaking influence and it€™s here the love of lens flare comes from. No matter if it€™s in his most gleeful blockbuster to somber Oscar contender, the master of cinema has his stars bathed in light. Pretty much all of Spielberg€™s films have scenes where the characters are presented almost in silhouette or a bright light stares down the lens obscuring the audience€™s view. With all his films being fantastical or historical tales, it really helps ground the films in reality. The best example has to be Jurassic Park, where some sets were designed purely to allow for this effect (think the meal scene just before the tour). This trait is so overrising for Spielberg that in Lincoln, a film he repeatedly said he€™d toned down for, still had it.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.