Radley Metzger was born in New York. Prior to his acting career, he distributed Erotic Continental movies in America. This obviously informed the films he directed. Metzger primarily worked in Europe producing highly artistic - and often cerebral - soft core porn movies in the late 1960s, such as Therese and Isabelle and Carmen, Baby. These films were usually positively received by the critics who enjoyed the attempts by Metzger to mix sex with substance. When the hardcore porn era came around, Metzger stepped his game up and decided to go with the flow. He is widely regarded as the most accomplished hardcore porn film maker the world has ever seen. His productions were lavish affairs, and often featured gorgeous cinematography (Metzger really knew how to get the best out of his locations), innovative camera work and supremely talented porn performers who could act as well as deliver the erotic antics required of them. Metzger is an industry legend and in this article I am paying homage to him by selecting 5 of his films for consideration. Please chime in below with your own Metzger triumphs...