Avengers: Infinity War - 6 Times Infinity Stones Looked REALLY Weak In The MCU
They're not all that great...

There's obviously an accepted logic in the MCU that the Infinity Stones are powerful, but they're nowhere near as powerful individually as they are together. On a smaller scale, they're probably also somewhat held back in terms of their power by the person wielding them - that sort of thing would make a lot of sense and would double down on Thanos being such a threat even before he has any Stones.
But even with that logic established, the MCU has gone some distance to make sure we know that the Stones are hugely powerful. Even the idea of having two together in one place is classed as dangerous and so too is casually walking around with one around your neck. So it's not like they're mere trinkets.
Interestingly, though, there have been occasions in the MCU when the Stones have looked flat-out WEAK, despite their billing. Sure, they've been responsible for some great feats (like Doctor Strange beating Dormammu, the creation of Vision, the empowerment of the Twins), but it's not all been as impressive. For the most powerful items in the multiverse (or so we're told), they haven't been all that great so far...
6. Selvig Shakes Off His Mind Control

In the Avengers, Stellan Skarsgard's multiverse genius Erik Selvig ends up being one of the first characters to be mind-controlled by Loki when he arrives on Earth to take over. It's quite terrifying how easily he's controlled (likewise with Hawkeye) and in hindsight, it made sense that an Infinity Stone would be behind it.
But despite how completely controlled Selvig is (to the point that he seems to weirdly fall in love with the Tesseract), the Mind Stone's powers are undermined horribly by the fact that Selvig simply shakes off the control after getting a bump to the head.
And if that wasn't bad enough, he then also reveals that while he was under, he was able to defy the Stone's control to such an extent that he could build a backdoor killswitch into the teleportation device he uses. So an actual Infinity Stone wasn't even able to fully control a single human's mind.