Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

8. Spider-Man

Avengers Infinity War Spider-Man
Marvel Studios

He probably shouldn't be an Avenger, since he's obviously too young, but that plays a big part in Spider-Man's dynamic in Infinity War. He's still the same naive, fresh-faced kid who is full of enthusiasm and just loves spending time with other heroes, but he's also drawn to his heroism for the same reasons as both Iron Man and Cap.

He has some pretty great stand-outs in the action sequences and you can tell the Russos had fun using his agility in the Titan-set scenes - particularly when he's saving the unconscious Guardians from floating off into space when Thanos drops the moon on the heroes.

It's when he dies that really hurts as him saying he doesn't want to go makes it all too clear that this is just a child we're watching. And if you didn't get close to crying there, you're made of stone.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.