Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

6. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange continues the great impact he had in his own movie with more of the same, pushing his aloofness and bouncing off other characters well - particularly when he clashes with Tony Stark.

His powers are much improved (which makes sense as he's been the Sorceror Supreme for some time now) and the way the Russos use his magic makes it seem like even more of a big deal.

Ultimately, he has a big part to play in how the film ends as he looks at every possible future and realises - heart-breakingly - that most of the heroes have to be (probably temporarily) wiped out to give the others any chance of victory. That's a hell of a burden and a really great decision by the script-writers.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.