Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

26. Wong

Doctor Strange Benedict Wong
Marvel Studios

Wong is pretty much a glorified cameo but he's one of the more active supporting players in the opening act as he's at the Sanctum when Hulk crash lands with his Thanos warning and Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian attack New York.

He gets more of a chance to show off his magical abilities than he did in Doctor Strange, which gives him a bit of a bump up the power ranking, but he disappears not too long after he appears when the Time Stone and Doctor Strange are taken and he's forced to be stay behind as the Sanctum's protector.

25. Black Panther

Black Panther Nigeria
Marvel Studios

Despite a huge slice of the action taking place in Wakanda, Black Panther's involvement is surprisingly muted. Yes, he leads the heroic alliance into battle and it's great watching him kicking Outrider tail, but there isn't a lot of space for him to get too many character moments or extra development.

And strictly speaking, he doesn't really need it given how close we are to his own solo movie. He's there mostly as a special player in the battle sequence and he's good with what he's required to do (the "Wakanda Forever! mantra will never not be great fan-bait), but he's somewhat necessarily sidelined.


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