Black Panther Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Hints In The Trailer

9. Klaue Steals Wakandan Artefacts (In Britain)

Black Panther Ulysses Klaue
Marvel Studios

In The Trailer

There's a brief flash of Andy Serkis' Ulysses Klaue dressed as a British paramedic (the logo there is for the London ambulance service), attacking a museum with another unseen assailant.

What It Means

Judging by the artefacts in the background, he's specifically breaking into an African exhibit, and knowing his penchant for Wakandan lore, you'd have to suspect those are his targets (and the fact we see Erik Killmonger wearing a mask later on does seem to link to that).

T'Challa surely wouldn't be idiotic enough to leave anything containing Vibranium outside of his country (and not heavily guarded), but there may be other artefacts of interest to Klaue (and his allies), that could help unlock Wakanda's secrets. Since that seems to be his agenda, you wouldn't put it past him.

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