Black Panther Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Hints In The Trailer

8. The Dora Milaje Go After Klaue In Korea

Black Panther Lupita NyongO Nakia
Marvel Studios

In The Trailer

Thanks to a couple of shots, we know that the Dora Milaje - and Black Panther himself - travel to Korea, and specifically a casino, where there's at least one action sequence (which seems to turn into the car chase scene with T'Challa on the roof, which we know was shot there).

What It Means

So what's the target? Probably Klaue.

He seems like the kind of obsessive who would frequent casinos, and who would be willing to travel the world to hide from Black Panther after stealing his country's artefacts. And even more pertinently, when Klaue appears in captivity, he's wearing evening wear, as opposed to what he wore as his smuggler "uniform" in Age Of Ultron...

Klaue Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

By the look of him in that trailer, his swanky evening plans have been disturbed, and it shouldn't be a surprise if they were at the Korean casino.

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Black Panther
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