Bond 24: Live And Let Die Remake With Idris Elba?

6. 21st Century Voodoo

Live And Let Die One of the obvious problems with adapting Live and Let Die for a modern audience is that the plot being rooted somewhat in notions of voodoo may not go down too well with those expecting realism and grit. Given how clearly the newer films have tried to distance themselves from silliness and unrealistic elements, bringing voodoo into the fold would simply bring us back ten steps to the goofiness of the Pierce Brosnan Bond films, or even worse. However, there are a few ways to incorporate the voodoo aspect without sacrificing the carefully-constructed integrity of the story. The first is to include voodoo, but dismiss it as a practice of the insane; it doesn't actually do anything, but the locals have gone bats**t insane by smoking some substance given to them by the local witch-doctor, or whatever. The point is that there's no real magic or mysticism; it can all be practically explained. The other option is the Christopher Nolan route; he managed to take the potentially ridiculous Scarecrow character and make him grounded, his ability to instill fear into Gotham's citizens explained by a nerve gas he attempts to disperse throughout the city. Some similar, quasi-practical method would ensure the villainous genius of the bad guys without making them seem too out of this world. Given that the Bond series is clearly aspiring to Nolan now, it's not a bad template to follow.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]