Captain America: Civil War - 6 Deleted Scenes You Need To See

The airport scene was almost more epic (if you can believe that).

Captain America Deleted Scenes Civil War

Thanks to their massive productions, endless test screenings and huge brand responsibilities, there's often a lot of deleted content from major superhero movies. Heck, Batman V Superman had a whole thirty minutes of extra material reinserted for the Ultimate Edition, and that wasn't the sum total of it either (god only knows how much unused Suicide Squad footage there is).

Marvel's not exactly above this either, with their trailers notorious for including unfinished shots and scenes absent from the finished film. So it's perhaps testament to the tight production of Captain America: Civil War that it isn't totally bursting at the seams with deleted scenes; the Russo brothers ran such a tight ship not all that much was wasted.

Although that's not to say there's not a few moments that didn't make the cut; the newly released Blu-Ray has brought with it four scenes, and there's animatics for a few others out there. Here's a breakdown of what exactly what was cut, as well as why we didn't get to see it back in April.

6. Peggy's Extended Funeral

Captain America Deleted Scenes Civil War
Marvel Studios

What Happens? It's not a new scene per se, rather an extension of one we got, with more time spent on Peggy's funeral (some of which was seen in set leak photos). There's a bit more of Sharon Carter, as well as of Steve lamenting his position with Black Widow.

What Does It Add? All of this is important grounding for where Captain America goes in the story, and this extension gives just a bit more breathing room between the introduction and ill-fated signing of the Accords.

So Why Was It Cut? The funeral served its purpose well enough in the finished film, giving the Sharon Carter reveal, Peggy's notion of standing true and underling Steve's ideology with plenty of time to spare, and as it was one moment where referencing the wider universe may have been confusing for newcomers, it makes sense to not have excess focus on it.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.