Making this list made me sad. I really struggled to find ten movies that, as a feminist, I didnt take serious issue with. There are a fair amount of feminist-friendly drama movies but I really enjoy loud, violent blockbuster movies and its often hard for me to find ones that dont make me angry because of their treatment of women. Films like Hanna, Zero Dark Thirty and True Grit have feminist themes and action elements but are not blockbuster enough to qualify unfortunately. As a general rule, the more action a movie has, the more sexist it will be. For a woman, like me who really enjoys a big action or sci-fi movie, this can be depressing. Please understand that my standards for a pro-feminist movie does not mean I want women to kill all the men or never be seen as a romantic object because its degrading. Feminism is still a bit of a scary word and has some pretty negative connotations. What makes a feminist movie however, is pretty basic. Or so I thought. To be considered a feminist movie, all that has to happen is for a woman to be seen as a character and not an object. What Im looking for is useful, female characters who dont run around in their stilettos and underwear and constantly get rescued by men. The women should be equal as characters to men. A good test to see whether something is feminist or not is to imagine if a male character would look ridiculous in this part. If the answer is yes, theres likely a problem. Sounds pretty simple, right?