Fantastic Four: 5 Major Differences Between The Original Script And Finished Film

The original, action-heavy, 121 page script couldn't be more different.

So much has been written about Josh Trank's Fantastic Four, that it's hard to believe the film hasn't even been out for two full weeks. Whether it's Trank's ill-advised social-media etiquette, the movie's insubstantial box-office showing or one of its leads being pegged as a d**k by a major publication, the reboot can't catch a break. The hard times aren't over, either. Devin Faraci over at Birth.Movies.Death, has managed to get a hold of Jeremy Slater's (who still has a writing credit on the movie) original 2012 screenplay, a script he describes as "action heavy" and which features a ton of "character interplay". Fantastic Four's been accused of a lot of things over the past days, but being rich in set-pieces and character work doesn't register on the rap-sheet. So yeah, the Slater screenplay and final film are very, very different. Slater's script was stuffed with ideas, characters and moments absent from the movie's theatrical cut, and much of what's missing sounds like it might have seriously improved the film. Don't believe me? Well then, let's walk through the five major differences between Slater's draft and the husk of a blockbuster currently playing under the Fantastic Four moniker.

Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.