Fantastic Four: 5 Major Differences Between The Original Script And Finished Film
5. There Was An Actual Dynamic Between Reed And Sue
This one may seem unremarkable, but if you've seen Trank's film, you'll know how cutting the absence of romantic pay-off is in the movie's second and third acts. I'm not saying Reed and Sue have to get together in a Fantastic Four outing, but the opening thirty minutes of Trank's feature set up a love triangle between Sue, Reed and Doom, before having it evaporate into dust. Miles Teller and Kate Mara share a bunch of tender moments, with Doom lurking grudgingly in the background, but later, they amount to nada. Not even referenced, Not so in Slater's screenplay. Whilst Faraci's coverage doesn't make clear if the two end up together, it does promote a trajectory of their relationship that could romantically mature and evolve over a franchise. Reed very clearly begins to fall for Sue at a party (it's not obvious where his feelings blossom in Trank's picture), and throughout the course of the movie some of his decisions revolve around protecting her. He warns her about Doom's possible survival after his flight to another country, and they later work in tandem to escape a government facility. There's a sense of cause and effect through the story, with a bond forming that if not 100% romantic, certainly could lead to a non-platonic place. It's a lot more satisfactory than starting the relationship down a road, but never finishing the trip.