9. Pussy Galore - Honor Blackman - Goldfinger

Pussy Galore is part of Auric Goldfinger's audacious plot to break into Fort Knox and set off a small nuclear bomb, thus making the U.S gold depository radioactive and useless, forcing Countries to buy gold from Goldfinger himself and effectively making him the most powerful man in the world. As the commander of Pussy Galore's Flying Circus, she planned to have her circus fly over Fort Knox and dispense a deadly airborne nerve gas that would pave the way for Goldfinger and his communist Chinese allies to make their way to the gold depository, and upon her first meeting with Bond, whilst he is captive, she informs him that she is a lesbian and is therefore immune to his charms. Shortly afterwards Bond escapes his holding cell and begins writing down Goldfinger's plan, only to be caught by Pussy Galore and taken straight back to Goldfinger himself, proving that she is indeed a match for Bond, as she does again later after a tour of the ranch, as she trades judo moves with Bond in a barn, seemingly evenly matched with the secret agent until he eventually gains the upper hand and convinces her to change her mind about the nerve gas, even managing to seduce her by the end of the film. Whilst Pussy Galore would have been much deadlier if she had actually gone through with her plan, there is no denying that the fact she had the plan to carry out the nerve gas attack in the first place is a horrific notion, and the fact that she did not care at all about the ramifications of her actions until Bond made her see the error of her ways just proves that she is a very deadly addition to the series. Personally, I still wouldn't have trusted her even after her change of heart.